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US Congress Approves $23 Billion Warplane and Missile Sale to Turkey

The United States has taken decisive action in advancing the formidable sale of $23 billion worth of F-16 warplanes, a variety of missiles, and...
HomeExpatriatesMick & TrudiePart 5: Fethiye – Turkey's Exquisite Gem

Part 5: Fethiye – Turkey’s Exquisite Gem

Introducing the Ancient Ruins of TLOS, located near the charming town of Fethiye in southwest Turkey. Join me, Mick Scarsbrook, an Englishman who spent 18 incredible years living in this area, as I take you on a journey through these magnificent ruins.

So, whether you’re a history enthusiast, a nature lover, or simply seeking an unforgettable experience, TLOS and its ancient ruins are a must-visit destination. Uncover the secrets of the past, immerse yourself in Turkish culture, and create memories that will last a lifetime.

Join me on this incredible journey to the ancient ruins of TLOS, located near Fethiye, and let the magic of this historic site captivate your soul.


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Author: Turkish News