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US Congress Approves $23 Billion Warplane and Missile Sale to Turkey

The United States has taken decisive action in advancing the formidable sale of $23 billion worth of F-16 warplanes, a variety of missiles, and...
HomeExpatriatesMick & TrudieIncredible Destinations in Turkey: Exploring the Hidden Gems

Incredible Destinations in Turkey: Exploring the Hidden Gems

Introducing the stunning resort and ancient ruins of Side, located in southern Turkey, is Mick Scarsbrook, or as many know him, Mick Amca. With a wealth of knowledge and experience from living in Turkey for over 20 years, Mick is the perfect guide to showcase the beauty and history of this incredible destination.

Side is a picturesque resort town that perfectly combines relaxation and exploration. Its sandy beaches, crystal-clear waters, and luxurious resorts make it a popular choice for tourists looking to unwind and soak up the sun. But what sets Side apart is the remarkable ancient ruins that are scattered throughout the town.

Venturing into the ruins, you’ll find yourself transported back in time. From the majestic Temple of Apollo and the grandeur of the Athena Temple to the well-preserved theater and Roman baths, every step you take reveals a fascinating piece of history.


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Author: Turkish News