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US Congress Approves $23 Billion Warplane and Missile Sale to Turkey

The United States has taken decisive action in advancing the formidable sale of $23 billion worth of F-16 warplanes, a variety of missiles, and...
HomeLifestyleArt and CultureThe album 'Yanık Ağıt' released on the 30th anniversary of the Sivas...

The album ‘Yanık Ağıt’ released on the 30th anniversary of the Sivas Massacre

An album titled “Yanık Ağıt” (Burnt Lament), consisting of songs composed from the poems of Dr. Behçet Aysan, a poet killed in the Sivas Massacre, will be released on the 30th anniversary of the massacre.

You can read more in Turkish at Cumhuriyet Culture & Arts

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Author: Turkish News